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Objectives and scope of the consultancy

To achieve the set objectives, VVOB seeks to hire coaches. The coaching will complement the capacity development provided through training workshops. The coach/coaches will provide on-site support to core group members (DOET, BOET and selected school leaders and teachers) while they support other teachers to implement rich language environments in their preschools. This will advance the core group members’ learning on (selected) focus areas (knowledge, attitudes, beliefs) The objective of the consultancy fits into the programme objectives (see 3.1.).

The key objectives of the consultancy are:

  • To support the Department of Education officers, or their representatives such as core group members, in their work with selected schools to develop good practices of rich language environments through coaching visits;
  • To document emerging practices of enriched language interactions and environments in schools.
  • To establish a proof-of-concept on how to guide the establishment of rich language interactions and environments. This will help to extend the pilot experiences to other schools and districts.
  • To track progress, to identify next steps and formulate recommendations. 

Deadline submissions: 7/8/2019, 9am 

Please download the Call for proposal below for for details.