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As planned with the five DOETs, in 2013 VVOB and DOETs will focus on two topics which are Contract work and ICT for Educational Management.

From January 17 to January 19, 2013, VVOB Vietnam organized a TOT workshop on Contract work in Thai Nguyen City with the participation of 41 members of the core groups from the five DOETs. The workshop aims at:

  • Introducing the Contract work training manual to the core group from DOETs;
  • Discussing the plan and related issues for follow-up multiplication workshops;
  • Sharing the main achievements of 2012;
  • Discussing and agreeing the outline of the manual ICT for Educational Management;

Contract work is one among several active teaching methods. Earlier we also cooperated on the development of problem-based learning, corner work, evaluation of active teaching and learning, and topics on educational management.

With Contract work, the aspect of differentiation learning is especially emphasized. The method encourages individuals to learn, but each at their own speed and capacity. The manual was co-developed in 2011 by Dr. Nguyen Tuyet Nga (Vietnam Institute of Educational Studies) and Dr. Leen Pil (Center for Experiential Learning, University of Leuven, Belgium) in co-operation with the core group from the five TTIs. This resulted in a manual that addresses the method in-depth, from its different aspects. After completion in 2011, the material was reviewed by DTEA and it has been put on the list of reference material for lower secondary teachers. The manual was also introduced to the core group of the TTIs. These trainers then successfully multiplied this approach to the lecturers and students in 2011-2012. The manuals will now also be used in the in-service for teachers by the DOETs of the five provinces.

This TOT workshop and multiplication workshops which have been planned during March-April 2013 to all the teachers in the five programme provinces will for sure introduce the topic to a much bigger number of LSS teachers, contributing to the change process to active teaching and learning in these provinces.

The workshop proved to be successful. The majority of participants evaluated their knowledge and skills in this particular topic as much improved. The participants designed lesson plans during the workshop which will be very useful for the trained teachers and will also be included in the revised version of the manual.