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On 03-04 and 05-06 October 2013, VVOB organized two Training of Trainer workshops on the use of supplementary career guidance material for education for general profession (EGP) in Quang Nam and Nghe An province. The workshop is a follow-up on an earlier workshop on the development of a framework for improvement of EGP towards a more student-centered career guidance in July 2013.

In total, 61 participants (28% female) from DOET, BOET, upper secondary and lower secondary schools participated in the training with a threefold focus: (i) explore related career guidance theories, (ii) practice assessments to help students identify their interests and assess their employability skills, and (iii) support students in selecting a relevant EGP topic of their choice and gain further knowledge on careers. During the training, the participants enhanced their capabilities to use the supplementary career guidance material for EGP and re-train their colleagues.

Through a participatory approach, the team of trainers introduced theories and concrete examples followed by practice and application to internalize the new concepts. The participants highly appreciated the used training methods and expressed their interest in the contents. The participants were enthusiastic in practice and committed to re-train their colleagues. The team also collected comments and feedback from participants on the developed materials to further adapt these to the needs of secondary teachers and managers. On the second day of the training, some participants delivered career guidance activities based on the new materials to upper secondary students in their school while other participants attended as observers. One activity focused on guiding students in identifying one's interest based on Holland Career Key on six personality types while another activity introduced employability skills. Students commented that they like the approach and want to participate in more activities on career guidance.

Following the two workshops, participants recommended to generalize the supplementary material for education for general profession with IT skills as an example. As a next step, VVOB Vietnam will work together with the team of experts to finalize the new material.